Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Bitch is back

So it is with a mixture of joy and sadness that I announce the news that a nice little horror movie I wrote more than five years ago has been picked up and is being fast tracked into production.
The movie is called "The Bitch" and I've been attached to direct the piece. We begin filming in Vancouver on August 25 08. Yeah that's right - the day after IMC.
I've been training steady and with consistency since signing up for IMC last year but it looks like that dream will have to be put on hold.

I plan on making a good film, the benefits of which will afford me the time to be a more effective coach in the future.

I'll continue to post to this blog. I will discuss my efforts to stay fit during the insanity that is the low budget film world.
I'm typing this in the Sutton Place Hotel where we spent the day casting for the lead in the film. We saw many lovely young ladies, several of whom who really impressed us.
Tomorrow we'll be putting the short listed actors on tape.
This morning I managed to get in two good hours of athlete planning and a solid 50' on the treadmill - with the lovely Frances Fisher training on the machine beside me.
Back in Hollywood.
I tried to get out but they keep sucking me back in!


Trevor Wurtele said...

"Back in Hollywood.
I tried to get out but they keep sucking me back in!"

--You love it!!! I know you do!!
Best of luck with The Bitch.

Unknown said...

Clint, back into the machine you go-:) Enjoy the, ah - ride?!

Good luck to you. IMC can wait, it is always there.

Skippy Two Shoes said...

Thanks boys!
I do enjoy the movies and even the mess that goes along with making one - still I'm already looking forward to this one being in the can. It should make for a VERY good 09!!!